Assignment Prototyping
Project title Bat Elephant
Section MW1030
Members Bri McNutt
Andrew Waller
Taylor Price
Hayley Laffen

We began our project by looking up some foam projects on Google Images. We found a foam elephant, and since it is the favorite animal of one of our group members it seemed to be the perfect fit (plus it didn’t look TOO hard).


So next we all met up and started designing the different pieces. Hayley created the legs, Andrew created the body, and Bri made the very important Batman Mask. Taylor was late because he had class (acts like other classes are important or something…) but he was able to make in time to help us draw stupid pictures on a whiteboard.


Well.. Looks like we didn’t make his leg connection pieces quite long enough… But, with a little editing and some longer leg connectors.. Look, a normal standing foam elephant!! (Have to admit though, the first one was pretty cute).


An elephant is an amazing creature and all, but when it comes to a foam mascot, an elephant alone just wasn’t gonna cut it. And since we are so awesome, we all obviously love Batman. So, with an adorably miniature Batman mask and a little bit of paint, Batman Elephant was born.



Oh, and we can’t forget those googly eyes.

We had a few problems with the initial design. At first there was only one elephant body which looked too 2D and boring, and it wouldn’t stand on its own without having the legs be at weird angles so we made a second elephant body and  connected it with second so he stood on his own. Another thing we changed from the beginning was his ears because they were a tad bit too small but then in the end they were way too big, but hey, it made him pretty dang cute. Another challenge we encountered was designing on separate computers and all of our scales were different so when we printed, the elephant was wonky. But, in the end, we think it all came together perfectly.


C:\Users\Owner\Documents\BATMAN ELEPHANT.svg

Assignment Prototyping
Project title Wu split
Section TuTh1100
Members Chase Sacket Jacob Heppler
Keegan Gillihan

WIN_20140909_110911 (2) WIN_20140909_110932 (2)

We came up with our idea of Wu split from the movie “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” more or less. But we wanted to incorporate Wichita State Engineering some how, therefore we decided to substitute Wu in for the “Zohan”. Going into this project we knew that the biggest challenges would be the detail in Wu and properly measuring the gears on which he is doing the splits on. So we traced a picture of Wu’s head from the internet in inkscape and then free handed the legs and arms. The gears were done using a half circle and evenly spacing notches in it then subtracting the paths. To tie everything together we mapped everything out on a foam base and made all the pieces connect to it. The letters were the easy part we just had to put a tab on the bottom of each letter so they would slide into the base.

We used this link for our Wu picture and here is our svg file





Assignment Prototyping
Project title Death Star
Section TuTh0930
Members Austin Hunt
Crystal Wolf
Michael Wilson

We first had the idea we wanted to make the iconic Death Star from Star Wars. Originally we were going to cut a series of rings, that when stacked together make a sphere. Due to the complexity of this, we instead came up with a design of 10 interlocking pieces


Using 123D Design we first made a sphere, then used another smaller sphere to make an indent for the laser dish. This 3D model was then loaded into 123D Make then converted into interlocking slices. We then exported the pieces into a pdf document then imported it into inkscape. Once in inkscape a few small edits had to be made to the pieces, then it was ready for the CNC cutter. All the pieces came out just about perfectly (the exception being one of the largest going off just a little), the depth of the foam was a perfect and all slices interlocked snugly.

With the first cut we were missing one piece. We had to go back, copy one of the medium sized pieces, then cut it out to complete our pink ball of doom.

IMG_20140904_143044261  IMG_20140904_103101775

Two specific pieces had cuts where the “laser dish” is, this was one small challenge putting together as it was like a puzzle.

IMG_20140904_143144792 DeathStar2.0

Overall it came out like we designed. Now we just have to keep rebels from destroying it!

Inkscape Document:



Assignment Prototyping
Project title Portal 2Logo
Section  TuTh0930
Members Alex MillerJohn SalmansSpencer Sheild

Phillip Friensen

Diana Silva

We all liked the idea of a Portal 2 Logo for our mascot and so to turn it into a 3-D object we had only one way really that could work. We created a book stop of sort for the logo and really we only had one problem which was the head cutting twice. We fixed that with one button and cut out again and fit all the pieces nice and snug in their spots. Photo on 9-9-14 at 9.41 AM #2Photo on 9-9-14 at 9.41 AMPhoto on 9-9-14 at 9.42 AM


Apature labs project

Assignment Prototyping
Project title Ferris Wheel
Section TuTh0930
Members Jordan Ross
Matt Blades
Isaac Brethour
Chris Unruh


In the beginning we brainstormed ideas and decided to do a Ferris wheel design. The design was simple enough two wheels, four baskets and supports. The original concept was to have two wheels and supports in between them. This however was much easier said than done. In the same way originally we intended to have the wheel able to move, but after deliberation and experimentation we decided that a nonmoving entity would be easier to deal with. With that out of the way the hardest part of the design was making the wheel one solid piece, while still having it connect to the rest of the design. We solved this through simple trial and error. We had to attempt cutting it out several times due to unknown errors in save settings and placement of the drawings. Our final product is what we pictured when we were brainstorming. And we’re proud of it.

Screenshot_2014-09-08-17-45-47 Screenshot_2014-09-08-17-45-52



Here is our SVG file.

Assignment Prototyping
Project title Club Penguin
Section MW1430
Members Brady Heincker
Garrett Wolf
Ellie Hardesty
Marie Timmermeyer

We came up with the idea because penguins are awesome. The baby penguin was just our prototype at first but we decided to keep it (who could just let something like that go to waste!). The designing process was pretty simple, create a profile piece and a simple outline. We kept it simple by adding 2 wings and the feet. The most difficult part about this project was making sure the 2 body pieces fit together securely without splitting them in half. We fixed it by using an exacto-knife to widen the gap.




Assignment Prototyping
Project title SpongeBob
Section MW1030
Members Roberto Medina ;Jacob Norris; Shane Jones

Okay, in the beginning we were struggling in what to create. We spend time throwing out ideas that would be better than any past designs created throughout the years. We’ve tried to do Wushock but it was really hard so we gave up and went with SpongeBob. We knew we wanted something simple yet mind blowing and having one of our childhood favorites come to life was perfect. We began by using a simple picture of SpongeBob to be our model and then we started off from there. Having his basic outline was fairly easy. But we didn’t stop there we added more detail into every physical characteristic. The most challenging part from this was SpongeBob’s sexy curves, we just couldn’t get them in the right spot and angle. We created three layers of SpongeBob so it can independently stand on its own. Also we added a long nose that interlocks with the fist layer. Then a tie that also interlocks with the first layer. Then we added a few strokes of paint and boom we got SpongeBob.



This was the model we decided to create. Also this is our SVG file.


Assignment  Prototyping
Project title  Pikachu
Section  MW1430
Members  Adler Benavides
 Alfonso Arreola
Javin Martin
Charles Shirley

When choosing our prototype design, a wide variety of ideas were suggested by the group members. We decided that each member would begin initial designs on their ideas over the weekend, and that we would pick the final project idea the following Wednesday. We decided to go with the animated character Pikachu from the popular cartoon series Pokemon.

We initially started with the body of the pikachu, basing it off of 3-D model we found on the internet. We quickly decided that our model would consist of just the Pikachu, and not the accompanied Pokeball. images

After ironing out the design of the body, we then brainstormed on how we would attach the arms and legs, to ensure that it fulfilled the requirement being able to stand on its own. We were, however, unable to come up with a solution before the class period ended on Wednesday, so we decided to meet up in the lab on Friday morning to finish the design and print.


Tom was very instrumental in helping us figure out how to enable the Pikachu to stand, and Dom provided expert advice on how we should go about designing the ever so intricate tail.


We were finally ready to print and ensured that as little foam as possible was wasted in the process.




Assignment Prototyping
Project title Gators
Section Either MW1030 MW1430 TuTh0930 or TuTh1100
Members Shawn CurtisHenry FriesenMatthew Phongvilai 

In the wake of a brainstorming apocalypse, the concept for this project wound up being an alligator.  The alligator symbolizes cunning, power, and extreme primal instincts.  We felt as though the alligator would symbolize the traits of our group, and straightaway we began searching the vast abyssal internet search engine, Google. We started Inkscape up, and immediately began a trace after the founding of an alluring clip-art photo of the alligator.  Simple calculations were not taken account of, and after starting the foam cutter, we found out the unedited alligator would be over 30 inches long!  We fixed this simply by scaling the alligator outline down to a tolerable size on Inkscape.  Our group worked together well, and overcame simple miscalculations to achieve a final product that we are proud to present to this class.

Original Alligator

Displaying Gator

Foam Gator

 gator FINAL

Assignment Prototyping
Project title Spider 1: JODi HiGHROLLERS
Section MW1430
Members BrettLandonJohn

WIN_20140903_150159 WIN_20140903_150200 SPiDER

Our group (John, Landon, Brett) came up with the idea to design a Styrofoam spider after John had a close encounter with this deadly species.  We converted that from an idea to a physical object through the Inkscape software.  A challenge we encountered when using the program was keeping enough space to intertwine the legs with the abdomen of the spider.  We overcame this by changing the size of the gap after rotating the part.  Also, when we cut the spider out of the Styrofoam, one of the fangs broke off because John was not careful enough.  We cut out another fang and our masterpiece was then complete!



SPiDER WIN_20140903_153523






SVG File